"Not only did I kick your butts, I did it from 7,000 miles away!"
- Jeremy Bird - 2011 winner.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Best. Night. Ever. Brad still leads... and a new #2!

Tonight was the best. night. ever!

In case you haven't heard... Dook lost. To a school called Lehigh. In the first round of the tournament. They are out of the tournament. They will be sitting on the couch watching all of the other schools keep playing because they got outplayed by Lehigh.

I was pretty excited. :-)

Surprisingly, two people predicted that upset: Allison and Mom (Jo). I love you both for taking your hatred for Dook over wanting to win. It makes me so proud! And oh, look... here is Allison wearing a UNC hat...

In other upset news, Missouri also lost a big game to Norfolk St. In the entire history of the NCAA tournament only five times had a 15 seed beaten a 2 seed. Tonight, it happened twice. And congratulations to Doodle for picking this upset correctly!

With all of the upsets - it was not a great day for brackets. But Dook losing made up for it!

So the first round is officially over and Brad is still in the lead! He correctly picked 26 of the 32 games and his entire right side of the bracket is perfect and good enough for third place in the record book for most correct first round selections. However, he did lose a Final Four selection in Missouri.

In second place is Boo Boo... I'm not kidding. Her new strategy seems to have done her some good as she picked 24 of the 32 correctly and Matt fell one spot to round out the top three after the first round.

Here are the standings:

1. Bradley - 28 points
2. Beth - 25.5 points
3. Matt - 25 points
T4. Dad (Gary) - 23.5 points
T4. Mom (Jo) - 23.5 points
T4. Nathaniel - 23.5 points
T7. Jeremy - 22.5 points
T7. Robert - 22.5 points
9. Melissa - 22 points
10. Heather - 21.5 points
T11. Jacob - 20.5 points
T11. Allison - 20.5 points
T11. Teresa - 20.5 points
14. Eric - 19 points
15. Lindsey - 17.5 points

I just have to say how proud I am of everyone. This year, everyone's brackets are pretty solid!

We have eight more games tomorrow and eight more on Sunday to finalize the Sweet 16.

The Heels won pretty convincingly without its starting forward and the ACC defensive player of the year. I just want everyone to keep updated!

Keep following!


  1. How am I losing to BETH!? Heather and Teresa, I can deal with that. Jeremy, I'll tolerate it. I've finally come to terms with Mom (Jo) beating me last season. But BETH!? She who picks teams based on the colors and her mood? FAN-tastic.

  2. Rob, she had a "New Way" of doing things this year! I am throwing all my support behind her! and For those of you who will never know, Brad is hilarious when he is REALLY excited! I thought he was drunk at first. That was the best phone call of my life! =)

  3. I was drunk... drunk on excitement!

  4. What in the world!?!?!? Why does everyone think I suck so bad???!!!! Is losing to me THAT bad??!! What did I miss :-(
    But yes... I Do have a new method and I'm keeping it a secret!!! Bradley, you cannot say anything!!! Muahahahaha!!!
    And I have video of Bradley from the Duke game. Insane. Yet it's nothing compared to some of what we've experienced from him in this house.... Will try to post!
